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    How Incident Reporting Software Can Help Prevent Future Incidents

    13 June 2024 - Evotix

    Every incident in the workplace has far-reaching implications for the business. Impacting not only the individual worker affected, but the morale of the whole team and their confidence in the processes. There’s also the impact on productivity and the firm’s reputation. With these all trickling down..

    OSHA's 2024 Hazard Communication Standard: What You Need To Know

    5 June 2024 - Langdon Dement

    Once again, the United States is in the wake of a major change - a change that has been anticipated for three years and is bound to create a stir for organizations. A change that is believed to..

    Unlocking the Benefits of a Safety Management System

    23 May 2024 - Evotix

    Despite strides in technology and the adoption of safer practices, workplace injury and illness rates are persisting at alarming levels. In fact, it was reported by the International Labour..

    What Is a Process Hazard Analysis?

    22 May 2024 - Evotix

    In high-risk industries, such as chemical and manufacturing, stringent regulations are in place to prevent catastrophic incidents like explosions, fires, leaks and spills. These regulations fall..

    5 Key Benefits of Safety Risk Management Software

    14 May 2024 - Evotix

    In today’s fast-paced, complex working environments, robust and comprehensive risk assessments are a must. The ability to identify and analyze a risk, and then to proactively mitigate against it,..

    What To Look For When Choosing Incident Reporting Software

    8 May 2024 - Evotix

    While the reporting of an incident is a necessary requirement, it should also be seen as a chance to reflect on what went wrong. By properly analyzing and understanding the event, you can prevent a..

    Evotix Supports Ground-Breaking Ocean Rowing Expedition

    3 May 2024 - Evotix

    Evotix has partnered with Seas the Day ocean rowing team, providing sponsorship for their upcoming expedition to cross the Pacific Ocean. The all-female team of three will row up to 15 hours a day to..

    Sustainable Operations: Balancing Profit and Environmental Obligations

    30 April 2024 - Evotix

    In 2024, businesses can no longer overlook their environmental impact without causing serious reputational damage. Companies cannot expect to achieve profitability at the cost of environmental..

    Sustainable Business Models: ESG Innovations for the Future

    25 April 2024 - Evotix

    Sustainability has made the transition from a simple buzzword to a fundamental aspect of every company's business strategy. Organizations can no longer afford to ignore sustainability or approach the..

    Earth Day – A Day To Celebrate Our Planet

    22 April 2024 - Evotix

    Earth Day is an annual event to celebrate our planet and its resources. It's also a great opportunity for us to reflect on our own environmental impact and discover steps we can take to protect the..