Regulatory and Compliance Management
Stay up to date with ever-changing regulations and industry standards to improve long-term sustainability and reduce risks associated with ESG issues.
Navigate Obligations and Compliance
Complying with constantly evolving regulations through manual processes can be quite resource intensive and expensive.
Use a comprehensive solution to save time and resources by monitoring and reporting obligations for a streamlined and responsive compliance management process.
Monitor non-compliance through automated compliance watch processes.
Manage compliance in one place by accessing regulatory content using state-of-the-art content providers like Enhesa and LexisNexis, saving time and resources.
Improve efficiency by avoiding the time-consuming task of searching for and interpreting relevant business obligations, while also staying current with compliance-related changes.
Assign responsibilities and track compliance tasks.
How Can Obligations Management Help?
Automate Compliance Watch
- Manage and maintain your company’s unique regulatory and legal requirements.
- Automate recurring actions through compliance action plans.
Find out more on keeping up to date with compliance through our "What is EHS Compliance" eBook.
Ensure Compliance and Accountability
- Enable compliance teams across various business units to act and report on relevant regulatory changes.
- Flag any non-compliance through incomplete actions and send reminders and escalation notifications.
Maintain History of Regulatory Changes
- Maintain a complete history of an obligation to identify changes over time.
- View compliance status in reports and dashboards that highlight changes to easily assess compliance history and trends.
Navigate Obligations and Compliance With These Tools:
- Data Analytics, Reports and Dashboards: Empower decision-makers with insights to support informed decision-making regarding regulatory compliance performance.
- World-Class Regulatory Content: Automatically create and maintain obligations using Enhesa and LexisNexis through specialised APIs.
- Action Management: Manage actions for all modules in a consistent and centralised way across the entire solution.
- Audit Management: Audit compliance to one or more obligations through a structured audit process.
- Incident Management: Manage incidents arising from a failure to comply.
- Risk Register: Track risks associated with non-compliance.
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