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    Hazard and Risk
    Management Software  


    Implement best-practice hazard and risk management processes that empower your team to proactively identify, analyze and control hazards and risks for safer, healthier workplaces. 

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    Proactively Identify Hazards and Mitigate Risks Across Your Business 

    Workplaces are inherently risky, making hazard identification and risk management essential for safe and healthy operations. Simplify this process with EHS&S hazard and risk management software. By focusing on understanding job requirements, you can take proactive steps to address hazards and reduce risks involved in various aspects of work.  

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    "Hazard close-out rates have risen from 59% to a consistent 98%, whereas the number of hazards identified due to a significantly improved safety culture has increased by 200% over the same era."

    Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

    How Can Hazard and Risk Management Software Elevate Your Safety Protocols?  

    Empower Your Employees To Mitigate Risks  

    • Make reporting hazards easy with a mobile EHS&S app accessible to all employees and contractors.

    • Easily complete step-by-step assessments of all your activities on mobile devices.

    • Provide easy access to JHAs, risk assessments and procedures for your workforce on mobile devices or printed documents.  

    Explore our mobile health and safety solution to see how it enhances workplace safety.

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    Mitigate Risks Effectively   

    • Receive immediate notifications of reported hazards for quick follow-up.

    • Implement and monitor effective control measures.

    • Use visual aids like risk matrices to communicate the risk level effectively. 
    Listen to our podcast on making hazard spotting processes successful.

    Drive Best-Practice Risk Management 

    • Create tailored assessments based on built-in templates.

    • Share assessment templates across your organization for consistency.

    • Ensure ongoing reviews of assessments to keep them current and compliant.  
    Read how Lotus transformed multiple safety processes including hazard spotting, risk assessments and near miss reporting.
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    Enhance Risk Awareness Through Communication 

    • Use dashboards to identify trends for high-risk areas.

    • Regularly communicate findings with your teams and other stakeholders to improve awareness of workplace risk. 
    Learn more about creating a proactive approach to safety with our "Get Back What You Put In: The Value of Managing Actions" eBook.

    Harness Our Tools To Elevate Your EHS&S Processes and Reduce Workplace Risks:

    • Risk Matrix: Create your own risk matrix based on your established parameters.
    • Management of Change: Ensure safe and efficient changes to processes, people and equipment.
    • Risk Register: Create a register of all risk assessments in one place to easily share and review.
    • Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)/Job Safety Analysis (JSA): Create and manage all your JHAs in one location.
    • Safe System of Work (SSOW) and Standard Operation Procedures: Document detailed control measures for high-risk activities and link to risk assessments.
    • Library of Best-Practice Risk Assessments: Get started with a set of risk assessment templates that have been built based on industry best practices and our experience from working with hundreds of organizations globally.
    • Templates Include: Manual Handling Assessments, Fire Risk Assessments, Noise Assessments, Workstation Assessments, Work at Height Checklist, Access Equipment/Ladder Check, Housekeeping Inspection, Manual Handling Assessments, Remote/Lone Worker Checklist, Ergonomic Assessments

    Be the Inspiration for Change

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