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    How Health and Safety Turned Completely Paper-Free With Evotix


    In This Case Study, You'll:

    • Learn How Stockport Homes is Leveraging Technology to go Paper-free
      The Group has introduced a far more flexible and agile health and safety process. 
    • Discover A Few "Aha" Moments
      The health and safety team now completes audits and inspections on any team with full visibility of risk assessments.
    • Answer Your Big Questions on WHY Stockport Homes Partnered with Evotix
      "Evotix has allowed us to really drill down into our accident data and body parts affected. This improves our awareness and safety intervention as a result." - Health and Safety Manager

    What are you waiting for? Read this case study to understand how the Group is achieving a completely paperless system.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Why should I stop using manual processes to manage my health and safety processes?

    What type of businesses should say goodbye to using manual processes to manage safety?

    What type of return on investment could health and safety software provide?