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    Natural Power Adopts a Modern EHS Platform to Enable Comprehensive Risk Reporting


    In This Case Study, You'll:

    • Learn How Natural Power Achieved Simple, Real-time Capture of Observations and Incidents Through Mobile Reporting

      Implementing an EHS&S software solution by Evotix, a SAI360 Company, created a stronger governance and management framework that efficiently accommodated risk scaling as the company grew. 

    • Discover A Few "Aha" Moments

      A dedicated EHS and operational risk management platform enabled team members at all levels to understand risks, report them through a readily accessible mobile platform and manage related actions as part of a larger risk management framework encouraging organisation-wide change. 

    • Answer Your Big Questions on WHY Natural Power Partnered with Evotix

      As Natural Power’s customer base grew, it was clear that the company’s initial method of using spreadsheets, word documentation and an outdated incident management system was not providing a unified view of EHS performance and risks across the organisation. It was time to adopt a modern EHS platform to enable comprehensive risk reporting.  

    What are you waiting for? Read this case study to understand how Natural Power simplified risk reporting, achieved real-time incident capture through mobile reporting and established a robust risk management framework.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Why should I stop using manual processes to manage my health and safety processes?

    What type of businesses should say goodbye to using manual processes to manage safety?

    What type of return on investment could health and safety software provide?