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    Five 2024 EHS and Sustainability Trends and Predictions: Hear from the Experts

    EVOTIX_ResourcePage__5 key trends 2024  UK

    In This Infographic, You'll:

    • Learn the Emerging Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) and Sustainability Trends
      Evotix, an SAI360 Company, brought together EHS experts from Enhesa, the British Safety Council and Verdantix to look into the crystal ball and share what they see for 2024.
    • Discover A Few "Aha" Moments
      Regulations In The Spotlight: Most jurisdictions are not using guidance-based approaches; instead, they're placing obligations on employers regarding the health and safety of workers.
    • Answer Your Big Questions on How You Can Adapt Quickly to Stay Ahead of Emerging Needs as an EHS&S Manager
      80% of EHS professionals agree that ESG and sustainability are part of their responsibilities. ESG will create a balancing act with EHS as a key a focus area so get in front of it now! 

    What are you waiting for? Download your copy to learn how to learn 5 key trends impacting EHS programs in 2024.

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