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    The G-Cloud framework was created in order to provide a more time and cost effective buying process for public sector bodies to procure cloud solutions. It is one of the Government’s initiatives to make it easier for SMEs to provide services to the public sector. The framework is compliant, regulated and refreshed, and specifically removes the requirement for OJEU, RFI, ITT, etc., which otherwise add cost, lengthen procurement processes and create a barrier to SMEs. The framework is open to any public sector body (including local authorities, housing associations, education sector).



    Why use G-Cloud?

    • Save time
    • Save cost
    • Transparent
    • Promoted by Government as the preferred route to purchase cloud-based services
    • Fully compliant, regulated and refreshed
    • Removes the requirement for OJEU process


    How to use G-Cloud

    All services in the G-Cloud framework are visible in the online searchable Digital Marketplace where suppliers showcase their services, allowing customers to evaluate their capabilities. Evotix (formerly SHE Software) and several other providers of health and safety software are listed in the Software as a Service catalogue.
    Since suppliers list services, pricing and terms and conditions in the Marketplace, the process is straightforward:

    • Identify requirements and find suppliers who meet those requirements
    • Evaluate those shortlisted suppliers by contacting them directly to confirm that they can meet your needs (whole life cost, fit with requirements, timescales, after sales service management, T&Cs, financial checks, etc.)
    • Identify the most economically advantageous tender
    • Make award via call-off contract

    This page has been written with information taken directly from the G-Cloud Framework Overview and Buyers Guide


    View Evotix Modules on G-Cloud


    Or click the specific module below to be taken directly to the G-Cloud page.


    Evotix Assure's Risk Module Icon



    Evotix Assure's Incident Module Icon


    Evotix Assure's Safety Audit Module Icon


    Evotix Assure's Asset Module Icon
    Evotix Assure's Behavioural Module Icon


    Evotix Assure's People and Training Module Icon


    Evotix Assure's Environment Management (ESG) Module Icon


    Evotix Assure's Safety Contractor Management Module Icon